Opera Scotland

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Roles in Scotland

Cherubino the Count's page
Nozze di Figaro 1890
Queen of the Gypsies
Bohemian Girl 1890
Bohemian Girl 1896
Bohemian Girl 1899
Lazarillo a poor apprentice
Maritana 1890
Donna Elvira a lady from Burgos
Don Giovanni 1890
Donna Carmen Elvira's maid of honour
Rose of Castille 1890
Siébel a student of Dr Faust, in love with Marguerite
Faust 1890
Azucena a Biscayan gypsy woman
Trovatore 1890
Trovatore 1899
Mamma Lucia the innkeeper, Turiddu’s mother
Cavalleria Rusticana 1895
Cavalleria Rusticana 1896
Cavalleria Rusticana 1899
Ortrud Friedrich's wife
Lohengrin 1895
Hansel and Gretel 1895
Son and Stranger 1895
Mary Daland's housekeeper, once Senta's nurse
Fliegende Holländer 1895

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